


What is a dental implant?


A dental implant is a metallic replacement for a tooth root used to support a crown, bridge, or to hold your dentures in place more effectively. Within the practice we use implants from a company called Straumann, a leading manufacturer of dental implants. We use their Roxolid system where the implants are made from an alloy of zirconium and titanium. We believe that they make the highest quality implants in the world.

After your implant has been placed a short period of healing usually follows whilst the implant settles into the bone (osseointegrates) before it can be restored, with a crown, bridge or denture.



Am I suitable for a dental implant?


Most adult patients can be suitable for dental implants, as long as they are medically fit and well and are not undergoing cancer treatment, and have not previously had radiotherapy to their jaw bones. In addition to this although some practices will place implants in patients that smoke, we will not. The reason behind this is that the success rate falls to too low of a level and unnecessary complications can ensue. We will however happily help you to stop smoking and can offer smoking cessation advice and referral to specialist stop smoking services!

Implants can also be affected by gum disease, but as with smoking a period of maintenance with one of our excellent therapists can often resolve gum disease to a point where implants become an option.

We do not place implants in children as their jaw bones are still growing and dental implants do not work as effectively


How do I make sure that I am suitable?


The best way to find out is to book for a consultation with one of our dentists. At this appointment we will discuss why it is the you want dental implants, and gather information to help us to work our the best options available to you. This will usually include photographs, x-rays, moulds of your teeth and a detailed clinical examination. In addition we will ask you about your medical history so it can be very helpful if you bring in any prescriptions that you have or any information from your doctor, along with correspondence details in case we need to get in touch with them.


Do I need a healthy mouth?


Prior to having dental implant treatments we ask that all of our patients be dentally healthy. This does not mean that you have to start with a perfectly healthy mouth, as we understand that many of our patients are seeking dental implants as they are aware of existing problems with their teeth. Almost all of our treatment plans that culminate in dental implants will have a phase of treatment prior to this involving the assessment of any damaged teeth and often waiting for an improvement in oral hygiene.

Sometimes a history of gum disease can make treatment challenging, but does not always preclude you from implant treatment.

This will be discussed with you in detail to ensure that you understand the plan and the reasoning behind it prior to starting any treatment.






PHONE 01253 739109


01253 739109



Martin J Kenyon Dental Surgeons

3 Clifton Street





Monday: 0900-1730

Tuesday: 0900-1730

Wednesday: 0900-1730

Thursday: 0900-1730

Friday: 0900-1730

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed